Main technical parameter The unit of great pulling e£º6 OmmÒ»3 5mm External size£ºhight£º2200mm wldth£º80mm length£º4000ram Four vinked pot Power£º1 1 kilowatt Production perday£º1 OT(3 5mm 4mm) Adoption yellow river reduce r machine Big wate tank£º2 0mm 0 5mm
Main technical parameter The unit of middle Pulling 3.5mm- 2.0 rrlm ¡ñExtemal size£ºhight:{200mm width£º80mm length£º4000mm ¡ñFive vinked Pot ¡ñPower£º7.5 kilowatt ¡ñProduction per day£º10T(5mm-2.0mm) ¡ñAdoption yellow rive reducer machine